Top 10k strings from Peter Pan (1984)(Hodder & Stoughton).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   4 g$(n)'" goes"(
   4 g$(n)'" approaches"(
   4 ,,,,,,,,,,,
   3 x$="PIRATES"
   2 x$="DRAWER"
   2 l$=" You are lost in the forest.    Paths lead north, south, east   and west."
   2 172222222222271
   2 (x$="SEWING BOX"
   2 "You wait.":
   2 "There's nothing to climb.":
   2 "It's already open.":
   2 "6")="SHADOW"
   2  PETER PAN 
   1 z$="0000000000000000000000000000000000":
   1 z$(set)="0"
   1 x$=x$+T$(n)
   1 x$="TINKER BELL"
   1 x$="TIGER LILY"
   1 x$="PIRATES":
   1 x$="HOOK":
   1 x$="BELIEVE"
   1 w$="There are sharks in there.":
   1 w$="The door's shut."
   1 v$=v$+T$(n)
   1 v$="WHERE"
   1 v$="SOUTH"
   1 v$="NORTH"
   1 v$="LOAD":
   1 s|Cch4 s\VsP5c=A
   1 sl0mT0sX4sXNc`W
   1 sgOsWOsW`sg`sggsTgm
   1 s;PsHPsH4sK6sKYcCa9s"ac
   1 s7Ks7pc0pLs0Gc'L's'Rc RLs Es0=s0(m
   1 s7'f0'0f& 0f
   1 s4msQnm:psPpsPxs`xs`
   1 s4&s?1sW1sW9s]<s]?s`?s`7s]7s]9sZ8sZ1s_1s_!sb!sn-sv-sv?sz?sz7s~7s~0s
   1 s$="You can't swim against the      current, its too strong."
   1 q,f8q,m/pc/p p4i6ma
   1 p7fxW:p0i4m
   1 p5fOq,f^{,fn
   1 p$(n),g$(n),s(n):
   1 oszrstosotsixsh~s[vsSmsPqsIrsBws;
   1 o(n),o$(n),f$(n):
   1 o$(n)=(x$+"          ")(
   1 o$(n)=(X$+"          ")(
   1 ns"os)ns(qc(uDp0i0f$s
   1 n$="The forest is too dense."
   1 n$="Don't be daft.":
   1 mi`snRcrE,i5m
   1 mRpshpm"ps
   1 mQ8sO8sOXshXsh7sf7fgW
   1 mGps+pcFp m
   1 m(us)ys&ts
   1 l$=l$+" There is a glass of medicine   on a table."
   1 l$=l$+" Something is flapping around inthe tree."
   1 l$="You are up in the ships rigging.":
   1 l$=" You're on the beach on the westof 'Mermaids' Lagoon'. A path   goes west and north.":
   1 l$=" You're in a forest. The        mysterious river is to the east.":
   1 l$=" You have entered the wigwam of 'Great Big Little Panther' the  door is west."
   1 l$=" You have entered the little    house. The door is west.":
   1 l$=" You have entered the children'sbedroom. The window is to the   north. There are three beds and an empty kennel in here. You cansee a chest of drawers, with a  jug on it, and a sewing box.":
   1 l$=" You are up the tree.":
   1 l$=" You are swimming in the 'PirateRiver'. It joins the lagoon to  the south and runs into 'Kid's  Creek' to the north. The banks  are east and west.":
   1 l$=" You are swimming in the        'Mermaids' Lagoon'. The shore iswest. To the east is the        'Marooners' Rock'. The          'Mysterious River' flows in to  the south. The 'Pirate River'   flows out to the north.":
   1 l$=" You are outside the little     house at the south end of the   clearing. The door is east.":
   1 l$=" You are on the edge of the     'Great Prairie' which extends   south. To the west lies 'The    Pirate River'.":
   1 l$=" You are on the deck of 'The    Jolly Roger'. The masts tower   above you. Hook's cabin is to   the west. The hold is below you.The little house is north.":
   1 l$=" You are on the 'Marooners'     Rock'. The lagoon is all around.You are exhausted.":
   1 l$=" You are on the 'Great Prairie' which extends north.The indian  camp is south."
   1 l$=" You are on a vast prairie. The mountains are to the south. To  the north you can see an indian camp."
   1 l$=" You are on a path that runs    south and east."
   1 l$=" You are on a mountain path thatgoes north and east"
   1 l$=" You are on a beach at the foot of a palm tree. The sea is to   the west. The forest is east.   ":
   1 l$=" You are near the sea. Over a   cliff to the north you can see  'The Jolly Roger'. To the east  Kid's Creek runs into the sea.  Further east you can see a greenlight fixed to a cliff. The     forest is to the south.":
   1 l$=" You are lost in the forest. Theonly path goes west."
   1 l$=" You are lost in the forest.    Paths lead north and west."
   1 l$=" You are lost in the forest.    Paths lead north and south."
   1 l$=" You are lost in the forest.    Paths lead north and east."
   1 l$=" You are inside the little housethe exit is south.":
   1 l$=" You are in the ships hold.     Stairs lead up.":
   1 l$=" You are in the mountains. Pathslead north and west"
   1 l$=" You are in the forest. A Trail leads west. You can see some    mountains to the south."
   1 l$=" You are in the children's      under-ground home.              ":
   1 l$=" You are in the Piccaninny camp on the east bank of the         Mysterious river. The wigwam of 'Great Big Little Panther' is tothe east. The prairie extends   north and south.":
   1 l$=" You are in a small forest      clearing. Trails lead north and east."
   1 l$=" You are in a clearing. There   are several hollow tree stumps. To the south is a little house. A path runs north"
   1 l$=" You are in Hook's cabin. The   door is east. Stairs lead up.":
   1 k,p6f4W4f$G4fDK4f
   1 e$="The door's shut."
   1 e$="The bank is too steep.":
   1 d$="Hold your breath then.":
   1 crf<si^c`aDcX_4sSgsHam?bs8em/es)cs$gs
   1 cfv/cek3cdX
   1 cGC+sGOs /s 
   1 c$="00000000000000":
   1 bs/>m.lsF;mLqsVkmFbs[VmfjspemcYssPms(s#(f
   1 b$="I hope you can hold your breath":
   1 _c.?,m/icF<+mGacZW.mUkcMp$mgicoe$mdXcrQ.mW
   1 _+p6i0m/'s
   1 Z$="1111111111111111111111111111111111":
   1 Z$(SET+(SET=
   1 Z$(SET)="1"
   1 Y+f{g+fgo+fBm+f.n+f
   1 Y+f#a+f/c+f8Y+fRY+fd_+fz^+f
   1 Xsjhs``swPswXs
   1 Xs/Xm8Xs?XmHXs
   1 Xi4f4s,fDk,f
   1 X$="WOLVES"
   1 X$="WOLF PACK"
   1 X$="WIGWAM"
   1 X$="TREE STUMPS")
   1 X$="FAIRY DUST"
   1 V$="WALK")
   1 V$="SLEEP"
   1 V$="CLIMB")
   1 V$="CLIMB"
   1 UssTsiSsePp3f
   1 U$=" Hook's in the way.":
   1 Ps^PsNUs6Ts
   1 Peter Pan 
   1 N=N+(A$="0")*20
   1 N$="The ground is too far below the window to go out.":
   1 L$=" You are on a north/south forestpath. The forest is to the east and west."
   1 L$=" You are in the forest to the   west of Pirate River. A path    runs north and south.":
   1 L!fO7!fN8!fWh!fiX!f
   1 I$(N)>"Z")*
   1 HmgHsTHmRHs8Hf9f*fUf*f
   1 Gs{Js~Op6f~N0f
   1 G"fUG"fPG"m0(s7(s7BcCE"cGK8sGhc@hLs@Qc=M
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Ac@;,sC3sK3sM-s\-sc:st<st7s}9s}4s
   1 >(f!=(f1+(fq-(f|7(f
   1 ;"All children, except one,"'"grow up...":
   1 888177777777777771
   1 7sw7swOscOs_Gs[FsZBsY;s]8sc7sq1sx2s~2s
   1 777722222222771
   1 1984               
   1 177777222777771
   1 177722222222771
   1 177222222222271
   1 122222222222221
   1 111111111111111
   1 0m0Xs7Xm@XsGXm
   1 .i2m*PsTPsURs)Rs*Pf+Q*m)UsWUsWZs(Zs)Uf*V*m)\sV\c(\Bf@]*m,KsUKmSFs/Fm4@sN@m
   1 -mk;skkmQ-sQvsR-m;;s;im$=s$_m
   1 ,i2mRgs8gs8"sR
   1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:
   1 ,"UNTIE",330
   1 ,"UNLOCK",305
   1 ,"THREAD",400
   1 ,"TAKE",250
   1 ,"SWIM",385
   1 ,"STITCH",280
   1 ,"SEW",280
   1 ,"SAY",325
   1 ,"PUT",256
   1 ,"OPEN",270
   1 ,"KILL",345
   1 ,"INVENTORY",261
   1 ,"HIDE",380
   1 ,"HELP",500
   1 ,"GET",250
   1 ,"FLY",335
   1 ,"FIGHT",345
   1 ,"EXAMINE",266
   1 ,"EAT",300
   1 ,"DROP",256
   1 ,"CLIMB",370
   1 ,"ATTACK",345
   1 (x$+"         ")(
   1 (X$="STUMPS"
   1 '"You fly out of the window. The  children follow.":
   1 '"You can see...":
   1 '"You can see..."
   1 '"What now ?"
   1 '"Start the tape.":
   1 '"As you run from the little housethe pirates try to throw a net  over you, but you are too fast."
   1 '" You have now entered the       ultimate adventure."''" Darkness clouds around you."''" You are dead..."
   1 '" You crow loudly, but premature-ly. Hook climbs back in through the window and stabs you in the back.":
   1 '" There is now a ticking noise   and a scream. You look out the  window to see the crocodile     devouring Hook."'" You crow loudly and the        children cheer again.":
   1 '"   You are at the helm of 'The"'"  Jolly Roger'."'"  You now set sail for England    and an open window.":
   1 "You've already opened it.":
   1 "You're not in water.":
   1 "You try to sew on your shadow   but fail. Wendy does it for you.":
   1 "You speak.":
   1 "You haven't got your shadow.":
   1 "You have...":
   1 "You don't have it."
   1 "You don't have anything."
   1 "You don't have anything to cut  anything with.":
   1 "You don't have any cake.":
   1 "You don't have a needle and     cotton. You would need both.":
   1 "You don't have a kite.":
   1 "You don't have a key to unlock  anything.":
   1 "You climb down the tree.":
   1 "You climb a tree.":
   1 "You can't."
   1 "You can't sew anything without  cotton.":
   1 "You can't open that !":
   1 "You can't fly without any fairy dust to help you.":
   1 "You can't fly off without your  shadow stuck on now can you.":
   1 "You can't find ";g$(f):
   1 "You can't do that.":
   1 "You can't carry any more.":
   1 "You can't ";:
   1 "You can see...":
   1 "You are up a tree."
   1 "You are swimming.":
   1 "Without a needle ?":
   1 "Who/what ?":
   1 "Where ?":
   1 "What food ?":
   1 "Wendy says 'Hello boy.'":
   1 "Wendy says 'Hello Peter'."
   1 "Unlock what ?":
   1 "Tinker Bell looks very ill."
   1 "Tinker Bell has died.":
   1 "Tink's getting worse."
   1 "Tink yawns.":
   1 "Tink whispers in your ear 'Too  slow, silly ass!'":
   1 "Tink says she's bored.":
   1 "Tink says 'Hurry up!'":
   1 "Tink say's 'Come on!'":
   1 "Tink is beginning to get better.She flies up to your shoulder   and whispers in your ear."'" 'Silly ass!'"'"I think she's better.":
   1 "Tink flies out."'"There is some fairy dust inside.":
   1 "Thread what ?":
   1 "There's nothing to cut.":
   1 "There's not enough wind.":
   1 "There's not enough time with allthese pirates around.":
   1 "There's no time. Get on with it.":
   1 "There's no time for embroidery.":
   1 "There's no keyhole in it.":
   1 "There is a captured pirate swordin here.":
   1 "The story is finished. The"'"Mother has gone downstairs.":
   1 "The pirates raise their swords.":
   1 "The lost boys say 'Hello Peter'."
   1 "The holes go down under the     ground.":
   1 "The children are all asleep.":
   1 "The boys say 'Who's that ?'":
   1 "That would be unsporting,"'"terribly bad form. The enemy    can't fly can they.":
   1 "Sorry can't help."'"Read the book.":
   1 "She's not here.":
   1 "Say what ?":
   1 "Rather violent for the start of the game isn't it.":
   1 "Please specify action.":
   1 "PIRATES","some pirates",
   1 "Open what ?":
   1 "OK."'"Your shadow is in it.":
   1 "OK."'"There is a needle inside, and a reel of cotton.":
   1 "OK."'"The cabin is to the west.":
   1 "OK."'"Nothing unusual.":
   1 "OK."'" The cake has a strange taste."'"'Oh no!'. You choke, stagger andfall to the ground."'" The cake was poisoned by Hook.":
   1 "OK. You have"'"a ";f$(n):
   1 "Nothing special."
   1 "Not here.":
   1 "No more location pictures.":
   1 "It's not tied.":
   1 "It's locked.":
   1 "I don't have to give reasons.":
   1 "Hook lunges at you.":
   1 "Eat what ?":
   1 "Don't be silly.":
   1 "Cut what ?":
   1 "Bully for you.":
   1 "A monkey swings down and runs ofwith the ";f$(n)
   1 "9")=p$(n)
   1 "8","LION","a large lion",
   1 "7";"         The Neverland.":
   1 "7",," The adventure is complete. Now (or soon) I'm afraid you are    going to have to grow up. Unlessyou want to play again.(Y/N)",
   1 "32"-(I$(N)<"A"
   1 "29"-(set=
   1 "25","WOLVES","a wolf pack",
   1 "25","LOST BOYS","the lost boys",
   1 "25","CAKE","large rich cake",
   1 "25")="1":
   1 "23693"-pa*
   1 "23677"),(
   1 "23","KEY","big brass key",
   1 "20"+(set=
   1 "2"));" west.":
   1 "2"));" south.":
   1 "2"));" north.":
   1 "2"));" east.":
   1 "19";"         ";
   1 "18"+(set=
   1 "17","INDIANS","some indians",
   1 "14")="1":
   1 "13")="1":
   1 "13")="0":
   1 "12","DAGGER","silver dagger",
   1 "11","KITE","large yellow kite",
   1 "1000","SWORD","short sword",
   1 "1000","SHADOW","detached shadow",
   1 "1000","NEEDLE","needle",
   1 "1000","FAIRY DUST","little fairy dust"
   1 "1000","COTTON","reel of cotton",
   1 "10")="2":
   1 "10")="1":
   1 "1","WENDY","Wendy",
   1 "1","CROCODILE","the crocodile",
   1 "0";"Would you please be more brief.":
   1 "0";"Do you want to play again?(Y/N)     L to load a saved game."
   1 "0";"  Second to the right and then      straight on till morning.":
   1 "0";"   Press any key to continue.":
   1 "0";"      ":
   1 "0";"             any key to continue":
   1 "0","SOAP","bar of soap",
   1 "0","JUG","cracked jug",
   1 "0"))="0":
   1 "'Oh Peter !' cries Tink as you  kill her.":
   1 "'Anything you want from Great   Big Little Panther is yours.'"
   1 " a ";f$(n):
   1 " a ";F$(n):
   1 " You've fallen into the river.  The fast current sweeps you downstream.":
   1 " You wait...":
   1 " You untie Tiger Lily."'" She thanks you and swears that the Piccaninny indians will     always be your friends."'" She then swims off without     realizing that you are too weak to swim to the shore.":
   1 " You see some shark fins break  the sea's surface."
   1 " You rush at the wolves and killthem. Then you stop to crow veryloudly to anyone in earshot.":
   1 " You rush at the pirates but    they outnumber you. You are run through with a sword after only killing four of them.":
   1 " You rush at the pirates and    kill them all. Then you crow    loudly."'" When Hook hears of this he     swears to get revenge.":
   1 " You prepare to attack the boys but they run away.":
   1 " You kill the lion. Then look   for others, but none are near.":
   1 " You kill Tiger Lily and push   her body into the lagoon.":
   1 " You have stumbled over the     cliff and fallen thirty feet to the beach below. Your neck is   broken.":
   1 " You have killed the crocodile.":
   1 " You feel the little house beingpicked up. Pirate voices laugh  outside. You can't open the doorso you have to sit and wait."'" Eventually the house is put    down and the door is opened."
   1 " You enter...":
   1 " You cut Tiger Lily's bonds."'" She thanks you and swears that the Piccaninny indians will     always be your friends."'" She then swims off without     realizing that you are too weak to swim to the shore.":
   1 " You crow loudly and rush at theredskins. Only to be brought    down by a hail of arrows.":
   1 " You attack the wolves, but theysplit up and encircle you. They close in. All you see are       snapping jaws.":
   1 " You attack the pirates. Though outnumbered you keep them at bayand even start to win ground."'" Then one pirate sword smashes  into your dagger and breaks it. You are now weaponless you don'tstand a chance.":
   1 " You attack the pirates. There  are many of them and it is a    long fight."'" At last you send the final one to his death.":
   1 " You attack the pirates but you are weaponless. They quickly    defeat you. The last thing you  hear is an ugly cheer as a bladestrikes your neck.":
   1 " You attack the lion but it seesyou coming. Its jaws close      around your arm. It then strikesagain and again.":
   1 " You attack the indians. After  killing them all you crow ratherloudly into the air.":
   1 " You attack the crocodile but,  when you are suprised by the    sound of an alarm clock, it     snaps its jaws around you.":
   1 " You attack Hook. His hook      shoots past your ear as you     duck. It rips the sword from    your hand. He prepares to cut   you down with his sword."''
   1 " You attack Hook. But You are   weaponless. You dodge his sword only to feel his hook sink into your side."'" 'I've won Pan! I've beaten you!I've won.'":
   1 " You are up a tree."
   1 " You are in the lagoon. You     manage afew strokes before      exhaustion overcomes you."'" You are just aware that you aresinking. Then you can't rememberanything more.":
   1 " You are in 'Kid's Creek'. The  fast current sweeps you towards the sea.":
   1 " You are floating in the sea."''" Suddenly several dark trianglesappear in the water. They circleround you, moving slowly in."'" One breaks off and comes       speeding toward you."
   1 " You are face to face with"'"Captain Hook. You can see the   children cowering behind him.   Hook speaks."'"'We meet at last Pan. Such a"'"pity it will be for so short a  time. But then you see, you onlyhave a short time...'"
   1 " Wendy"'" The boys"
   1 " Wendy gives you a thimble."
   1 " Tinker Bell"
   1 " Tink drinks the medicine."'"She drops to the ground and says'It was poisoned. I didn't want you to drink it.'"'"'And now I'm going to die...'"
   1 " Tiger Lily the indian princess is tied to the rock. She will   die when the tide rises."
   1 " The wolves sniff the air then  look toward you. They run,      snapping and howling, straight  for you. There is no escape.":
   1 " The wolves snarl at you.":
   1 " The strong wind picks the kite up. You hang on beneath as it   carries you away. The string    breaks and the kite flies away.  You land safely. After a short rest your strength returns.":
   1 " The pirates shout 'We'll get   you Pan.'":
   1 " The pirates shout 'There he    is !'. They rush at you waving  their swords. You are weaponlessand outnumbered.":
   1 " The pirates rush down the      stairs after you. The space is  too confined. There are too manyof them. You fight valiantly butyour wounds mount up.":
   1 " The pirates climb up behind    you. You cannot fight them all  off. You send three of them to  their deaths. But one catches   your foot. You plunge to the    deck below.":
   1 " The pirates and lost boys startfighting each other.":
   1 " The lion pounces at you. You   stumble backwards and fall.":
   1 " The lion growls at you.":
   1 " The indians stare at you but   say nothing.":
   1 " The indians see you and run    after you. You run but trip and fall. They close in.":
   1 " The indians say 'Hello Great   White Father.'"
   1 " The crocodile snarls at you andthen ignores you.":
   1 " The crocodile sees you and     snaps at you. He catches your   arm and bites again.":
   1 " The boys all draw there daggersand you change your mind.":
   1 " The blow strikes true.":
   1 " The Never Bird floats past on  it's nest. It then floats out ofsight behind Marooners' Rock."
   1 " Suddenly Tinker Bell flashes   past him. Hook lashes out at herbut misses."'" Now you take him by surprise.  You kick him and he falls       backwards through a window.     There is a loud splash."'" The children cheer."
   1 " Some mermaids were splashing   around in the water, but as soonas they see you they dive out ofview into the depths."
   1 " Some mermaids are playing in   the water on the far side of thelagoon. They haven't noticed    you yet.":
   1 " Several pirates are standing   around you. They all have       swords. From inside the cabin   you can hear the lost boys.":
   1 " Oh how could you! You have     killed Wendy.":
   1 " He screams 'The enemy', and    grabs his tomahawk and rushes atyou. You dodge and he falls to  the ground. You turn to flee    but the other indians see you.   Lean Wolf lifts his bow. An    arrow flies towards you. It"'"finds it's mark.":
   1 " He says 'Welcome Great White   Father'.":
   1 " As you leave the little house anet is thrown over you. You     cannot escape the slashing of   the blades.":
   1 " An open window...":
   1 " A tiger walks through the      clearing and into the forest.":
   1 " A large bear walks through the clearing. It stops to growl at  you, then goes into the forest."
   1 " ";g$(n):
   1  by N.D.Head of Soft Option. 
   1  by N.D.Head            
   1  The Adventure Game.        
   1  ";i$;" ":
   1  ";I$;" ":
   1          i4mRns|
   1             mx0sxOs
   1                       p6P